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It depend on what kind of psychologist you are, if you are going and becoming a psychologist right out of university then in a month you would make $50,000 and that times 12 is $600,000 a year. If you are a little more experiences then in a month you would make 80,000 and that times 12 is 960,000 a year.

But if you wanted to become a more advanced psyschololgist you would then eventually become what is called a Clinical Psychologist you would earn obviously more. In a month you would make $10-$15,000 more than you would make as just a psychologist.

In a year if you made $960,00 (and you were going to make $10,000 more) In a (month) you would make $970,000. Then in a year you would make $11640,000. But (If you are going to make $15,000 more)In a (month) you would make $975,000. Then in a year you would make $11700,000.

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13y ago
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8y ago

It varies - depending on location, experience, education, etc. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, median annual wages of wage and salary clinical, counseling, and school psychologists were $64,140 in May 2008. The top 10 percent earned more than $106,840.

There are WIDE variations in part because psychologist is a fairly broad term - pay is going to vary depending on where one practices and what kind of practice one has, not to mention education, etc. For instance, a psychologist in NY is going to make a lot more money, probably, than a psychologist in a small town in the Appalachian mountains. On the other hand the latter's cost of living is MUCH lower.

More input from contributors:

  • There are too many different ranges of psychology to put it simply. But, generally, around $50,000+ salary. It most definitely could be higher but it depends in what field of study and if the demand is high. However, that's if your willing to spend several years on psychology education. But it all "pays off" and it's definitely worth it.
  • Most careers in psychiatry earn up to about $163,144. Due to the fact that psychiatrists are medical doctors you would or should be expecting to make up to more than 100k.
  • Psychiatry is much different than psychology. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor that can prescribe medicine to his/her patients. Most psychiatrists no longer provide therapy but tend to treat mental disorders by prescribing and managing medication. A psychologist holds a PhD or a PsyD (Doctor of Psychology) and treats mental disorders using psychotherapy. The tend to make much less than a psychiatrist. Depending on where they work...(private practice, hospitals, schools) psychologist salaries range from 20,000 to well, well over 100,000. There is no real median.
  • Psychologists can be paid very different salaries and rates. Some of the best therapists charge their clients hundreds of dollars per hour. Counselors at clinics and non-profit organizations might make minimum wage. The best income in the field goes to psychiatrists, who have an MD.
  • Some psychologists work for the state in administrative positions, evaluating people at prisons and mental health facilities. Others may work at state employment service or other state facilities that need psychologists. The specific dollar numbers vary from state to state. Some psychologists work for private industry and some are self employed. The pay scale varies greatly, partially depending on the opportunities that came to the psychologist and partly depending on the skill of the psychologist. Some psychologists who work in a private office can make a very good living, but like most professions, only the best will be able to make the top dollars. If you aren't very good you won't get many customers in a private practice situation. If you ARE very good, you can set your own price and you'll still get people pounding on your door to give you money.
  • In Australia psychologists wages can vary widely depending on the area you have chosen to practice in. On average entry level positions (straight out of university) earn about $50,000 p.a. and more experienced psychologist earn up to $80,000. Clinical psychologists tend to earn $10-$15,000 more than registered psychologists, however, the top earners (once they have some experience) are organizational psychologists, who can earn up to $120,000. Any more earning potential than this tends to come from either owning your own practice or developing new psychometric tests.

That would depend on the type of psychologist. it can vary between £20,000 and £100,000 per annum, times that by just less two to get USD or EUR. the most, i think, is found in psychologists working with people with eating disorders, and teenagers in general... i think. while for example those who help adults with issues caused by things like domestic violence get around £40,000.
How much do psychologist get payed
Depending on the specialty, psychologists get paid between $90,000 and $200,000 per year.

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14y ago

Average starting salaries for university and college professors range from about $40,000 to $60,000 a year. By mid-career psychology professors often make between $60,000 and $90,000 a year. Senior professors at prestigious universities can make over $100,000 a year, in some cases as much as $140,000.

Exact earnings information for other specific types of psychologists is not available. However, the average income for all full-time psychologists in Canada is around $62,000 a year. Earnings can range from $35,000 (particularly for those who are self-employed and just starting out) to well over $100,000 a year.

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8y ago

Psychologists typically make $70 to $100 an hour.

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17y ago

My partner earns only $40K however his counterpart earnt $65K gross due to overtime and holiday payout.

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12y ago

The average salary for a psycologist is £41, 544 a year, i think, lol

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13y ago

i dont know about a psychitrist... since it doesnt exist. btw, i dont think that you should become one if you cant spell it but a psychiatrist in the US makes around $191, 922 a year.

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13y ago

The average annual salary for a typical psychologist in the U.S.A. is $82,000.

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12y ago

1 Trillion 95 billion dollars

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to become a psychologist you need to get a PhD

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Typically, the minimum degree requirement for a psychologist is a master's degree. However, most practicing psychologist, and those involved in research have a PhD (doctorate).Typically, the minimum degree requirement for a psychologist is a master's degree. However, most practicing psychologist, and those involved in research have a PhD (doctorate).Typically, the minimum degree requirement for a psychologist is a master's degree. However, most practicing psychologist, and those involved in research have a PhD (doctorate).Typically, the minimum degree requirement for a psychologist is a master's degree. However, most practicing psychologist, and those involved in research have a PhD (doctorate).Typically, the minimum degree requirement for a psychologist is a master's degree. However, most practicing psychologist, and those involved in research have a PhD (doctorate).Typically, the minimum degree requirement for a psychologist is a master's degree. However, most practicing psychologist, and those involved in research have a PhD (doctorate).

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Yes. In order to be a psychologist you must get your PhD, which takes about 5-7 years on average.

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A psychologist has a PhD and a social worker has a master's degree. Basically, the psychologist went to school longer.

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Can you call a psychologist doctor?

Unlike a psychiatrist a psychologist has not attended medical school so is not a physician. However, they usually have a PhD or a PsyD which take 5-7 years to complete after a bachelors. Each state regulates who can be licensed as a psychologist but it typically requires a doctoral degree. So you can and should refer to them as "doctor" like anyone who has a PhD.

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Most have a doctorate (PhD) in psychology with additional years of post-doctoral training in clinical neuropsychology.

What degree do you need to be a psychologist in Illinois?

The minimum educational requirement is a master's degree. However, practicing licensed psychologist (therapy etc), have a doctorate. In addition, research psychologist typically have a PhD.