There are no standard tuition and fee rates for colleges and universities. Each institution will have rates particular to itself. There are a number of variables to consider to include whether the institution is public or private, the geographical location, the specific program of study (some of which have greater course and/or clinical fees), and whether the school is a two year or four year institution. Once you collect the names of some colleges and universities you have an interest in, you can then research the cost specific to those institutions.
The average hourly wage for a pharmacist in Houston, Texas is around $63 to $65 per hour. However, this can vary based on factors such as experience, location, and the specific employer.
1 cent an hour
alot It depends on where the pharmacist is employed, but that answer is essentially correct. A good friend of mine is a pharmacist, and she makes $65 or $70 per hour.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics the estimated mean annual wage for pharmacists as of May 2008 is, $104,260. This would amount to $50.13 per hour.
$115,000.00 a year for a staff Pharmacist
A pharmacist makes around $166,000 a year. However, this number can vary with what type of pharmacist you are or how long you have been in practice. Try reseraching it!
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