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It makes 50,000 dollars a year

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Q: How much does a paper boy in Canada earn?
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How much does a paper boy earn in a year?

Over $9000

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What is meant by maiden of a boy?

it means he was a paper boy it means he was a paper boy

How much money could a boy at the age of nine get for being a paper boy?

you cant u have to be 13 or higher

When was Boy's Own Paper created?

Boy's Own Paper was created in 1879.

When did Boy's Own Paper end?

Boy's Own Paper ended in 1967.

How much does a 26 year old boy earn in New Zealand?

A 26year old is a man. It would depend what his job is and what his qualifications are.

How much money does a call boy earn?

15-20 dollars a day spend 40 years make 600,000 dollars

Who was the first boy born on January 1 1999 in Victoria BC Canada?

The answer can be found at a local Victoria paper but I believe you need a subscription to search their archives.

How much does a good Abyssinian cat cost?

girl = £450 boy = £400 In Canada, about $600 for a pet quality