How much money does a dental hygiene earn in the state of Michigan?
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The median salary in Charlotte is $69,000
The salary of a dental hygienist in Seattle, WA will vary depending on experience and employer. On average, they can make around $73,000 per year.
A dental hygienist makes around 53,000 dollars in Texas. If they go back to college, and learn more advanced skills, they can make around 70,000 dollars a year.
Dental hygienists on average make about $70,000 a year. This number varies depending on the experience of the dental hygienist, the practice they work for, and location.
Entry Wage: $52,400Median Wage: $57,520Experienced Wage: $63,040
The median wage in 2008 for a Wisconsin dental hygienist was $60570.
Expect around 27.00 to 32 dollars an hour
how much do hygienist make in anderson,indiana
approximately $180 000