i work at Tim hortons they start you at 8.75 and their raises are 10 cents, so after about 3 months theywill give you 8.85, and most of the time they forget to give you the raise so you'll most likely go a year without a raise, at 8.75. I'm getting 9 dollars, because i basically do everything at the Tim horton's where i work, but im not aloud to tell anyone because people who have been there for 5 years are still getting less than me, which is pretty sad. theres a lady whos been there for 10 years, and she's only 20 cents more than me, if that. anyways , it's a good job, but not if you plan to make it a career, because you wont go very far.
0.99 cent
Tim Horton's family contains: Tim Horton, his wife Lori Horton, their 4 daughter Kelly, Kim, Tracy and Jeri.
A large iced cappuccino (with regular white milk) from Tim Horton's is 290 calories.
Tim Horton was born on January 12, 1930.
Tim Horton was born on January 12, 1930.
Tim Horton was born Jnuary 12 1930 in Cochrane Onatori Canada
As of today an Extra Large Tim Horton's coffee is $1.72
Tim Horton the hockey player died in a car crash and his family and friends started the business Tim Hortons in memory of him
Aaron Oakley Horton Ethel Horton
Tim Horton's Canada Brewed tea: 10oz (59mg) 14 oz (86mg) 20oz ( 111mg ) Bag in : (50mg) (70mg) ( 100mg)
A large Coffee cost's $1.80