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I think the assassin gets to choose the price of hire...he/she just has to make sure he/she doesn't go to high in price.

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Who do assassins work for?

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Assassins grossed $83,306,268 worldwide.

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assassins creed 2 has definatly a larger map but the kill streaks are much better on assassins creed brotherhood but the story line is alot better in assassins creed 2 hope you have fun with assassins creed 2 or brotherhood ;)

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What is better assassins creed 2 or assassins creed brotherhood?

Assassin's Creed 2 is a very good game and a brilliant story line. Assassins Creed Brotherhood is worse but the better thing is that you get to call Assassins's i personaly think that AC2 is much better!!!!

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How much does assassins creed 3 cost?

Around $60 :)

Are assassins better then cleric in Maplestory?

Clerics are needed greatly in later pq's just as much as assassins but clerics tend to be richer because of the 'heal' ability. Assassins are very poor because of all the stars they need to buy but much more fun. (i have one of both)

How much is assassins creed 2?

Currently it is around $56.99-$59.99

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