how many years does it take in ecu to get a barrister in australia. == ==
You go to university and study law. You take the course for how ever many years it is until you get your degree. Then you look for a job as a barrister lawyer and you have the right qualifications, so you have the chance of getting it, otherwise you have pretty much no chance at all.
including law degree about 5-6 years
The defendants barrister successfully fought his case.
In criminal law (English and Welsh law), you have the barrister for the crown who is against the barrister representing the defence (so a barrister to defend the accused person/party).
The opposite of barrister is layperson or non-lawyer.
barrister Albert bond
A Barrister serves the same purpose a lawyer. A Barrister is one who practices law in England.
Barrister Parvateesam was created in 1924.
a barrister is a lawyer and so is a solicitor
A Barrister, Barrister-at-Law or Bar-at-Law