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The basic education required to become a veterinary technician in most states is a 2-year degree in veterinary technology.

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It is a 2 year Associates Degree program.

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Q: How many years does it take for you to become a veterinary technologist?
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How many years of college does it take to become a cardiovascular technologist?

6 years

What classes should i take in college to become a veterinary technologist?

You will need to take a curriculum developed towards obtaining a degree in veterinary technology - there are many colleges around the United States that offer this.

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4 years. You need at least a bachelor's degree. how many years in college does it take to become a clinical laboratory technlogist

How many years does it take to be veterinarian tech?

It takes two years at a technical college to become a Veterinary Technician. After that, you take your certification exam. HTH!

How many years of high school do you need to become an veterianan?

Four. Plus four years or so of undergraduate studies, and three more years of veterinary school.

How many years of college do you have to go through to be a veterinary?

4 years of undergrad and 4 of veterinary school.

How many years of college do you need to become a veterinary phamacist?

It takes 3 years of undergraduate study (at a minimum) plus 4 years of vet school to become a veterinarian; to specialize in veterinary pharmacology you would add another 3-7 years depending on the residency program and whether or not you also pursued a PhD in pharmacology as well.

How many years is it to be a veterinary dentist?

In the United States, it takes at least three years of undergraduate college plus four years of vet school. If you want to become board certified in veterinary dentistry, this will take another one year internship and three to five years of a residency.

How many years of school do I need to be a veterinary assistant?

Most veterinary assisting jobs don't require schooling, however, you can become certified through an AVMA accredited program and it usually takes 2 years. Vet assistants can make up to $30,000 a year.

How many years of college to become Dr veterinary medicine?

It is a four year program of study (post bachelor's degree) at an accredited college of veterinary medicine. There are 28 colleges in 26 States that meet accreditation standards set by the Council on Education of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA).

How long does it take to become a veterinary microbiologist?

Becoming a veterinary microbiologist typically requires a Bachelor's degree in a related field (4 years), followed by a Master's degree (2 years) and/or a Ph.D. (4-6 years). Overall, it can take around 6-10 years of post-secondary education to become a qualified veterinary microbiologist.

Where can you go to school to become a Veterinary Nurse?

Many schools offer the opportunity for students to train to became a Veterinary Nurse. A popular Veterinary Nursing program is available at Otago Polytechnic school, but it is a field of study offered at many universities as well.