can you help me with this i am in year 10 and i want to be a nurse and i was just wondering how many years will i have to do in college for and will i have to go to uni also i am doing health and social care at school
You need a nursing degree which is 3 years at uni. To get to uni you need an access course, either A-levels or a GNVQ in health.
For graphic design you will need to go to uni for 4 years (MINIMUM).
lots of jobs take 4 years in uni
you take business related subject in uni and the vgo work in a bank for several years and then you can become a bank manger
2 years for practise 4 years to become a professional pharmacist
it takes about 6 or 7 years in uni
uni does not mean many uni means one like a uni-cylcle. It has one wheel! get it?
approximately five if you start from scratch.
It can vary. To find out, contact Met Uni and inquire about course duration for the specific course you wish to take, some courses may take up to 4 years at least.
It takes a minimum of 4 years to obtain a bachelor's degree. Most professional biologists obtain at least a Master's degree which would take another 2-3 years.
The opposite of multicultural is uni-culturalism. Many cultures most notably the Native American culture was Uni-cultural for hundreds of thousands of years before The Spanish came.