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I have researched all the areas that I know and am unable to find any numbers for you. I can tell you that between the firefighters and the ambulance companies thousands of lives are saved a day.

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Q: How many lives do firemen save a year?
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There is no official statistic on how many lives emergency videos save each year. Although making an estimation would not be impossible, whatever results presented would most likely be very improbable if conducted in this manner.

How many days a year does a firemen get of?

usually 24 on 48 off or vice versa (hours)

How many lives does the coast guard save a day?

This depends on the location of the firefighters. Many small volunteer departments respond to very few events, and may save several lives in a year. Others, in major cities could go on numerous calls, saving dozens of lives in a day. Not only are people's lives saved, but pets and livestock as well.

How many fire do paid firemen put out in US?

About 400,000,000 a year all over the US. (true fact)

How much does a EMS truck driver make a year?

101010.0 dollars a year. They save lives, what do you expect.

How many animal lives does a vegetarian save every year?

I have heard that it ranges from 50-100 because chickens are smaller than cows for example.

How much do firemen get paid each year?

ooglie booglie