Likewise, if we wanted to count from 0 up to 999 (0000 0000 0000 to 1001 1001 1001), then three cascaded decade counters are required. In fact, multiple decade counters can be constructed simply by cascading together individual BCD counter circuits, one for each decade as shown. 2-digit BCD Counter from 00 to 99
There are many different types of counters for bank notes that are available. The main two types count coins and notes, though many machines can count both.
Counters are for doing math. You use them to count. Pretend you have a math question like this: 10 - 5 = . So you get 10 counters and take away 5 and see how many you get.
The counters are for destinations depending on the last bound and direction. In 2015, they were 14, For 2017m no idea. One have to be in the station to count it manually. No other way to know the numbers (e,g from web, statistical bureu)
It takes nine flip flops to count from 0 to 511.
25 counters are shared equally by 10 ppl, how many counters per person
10Well -- in the sixth decade there are 10, (60, 61, ...69); and in each decade there is one at the sixth position, so that's another ten. Would you care for 20.
21 bits.