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Q: How long does it take to become a vet in Ireland?
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Related questions

How long does it take for a football player to become a vet?

After their second yr. (sophmore yr.)

How long does it take to become a Wildlife vet?

It would take four years for the bachelor's degree and four years of veterinary school.

How long does it take for a vet tech to become a vet?

Veterinary technology programs are usually layed out over 5 semesters (2-years) though students can take longer to finish their degree or they can choose to take a 4-year bachelors degree program as well.

How long does it take for vet school?

It takes about two years or more in vet school

How long does it take to become a veterinarian?

In the United States it takes at least three years of undergraduate college (four is more common) and four years of vet school.

What corses do you take to become a vet tec?

yes yes yes

How many years of college to become a criminologist?

I believe you have to take 7 years of collegeto become a vet.

What courses do you need to take to do to become a vet?

you need to accomplish math and science

What science class should you take in high school to become a vet?


How long will it take to reach your career goal vet?

It takes about 4 years to learn how to be a vet in school

How can you give your cat a checkup yourself if you can't afford to take it to a vet?

Go to college for a few years and become a vet yourself.

How long do you have to be on roblox to be a vet?

You must be a user in ROBLOX for atleast a year to become a Vetran.