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It really depends on the type or graphics you mean. Technically if you draw a picture in Microsoft Paint, it is considered a computer graphic. But if you want to become a professional computer graphic artist then they have schools and classes you can take to become fully certified in the field. That's the long way. If you want to become an uncertificated graphic artist, you should start by learning to use common programs that are used in the field. One of the most commonly used is Adobe Photoshop. What you can do is download trial photo editing software and see which one works best for you. There are plenty of tutorials on YouTube and If you work at it you could probably become fairly proficient in a few weeks to a few months depending on the amount of time you put into it as opposed to years with the school method.

Now when it comes to 3d modeling, the same rules apply. 3d modeling i would have to say is far more difficult to master and you can use the same method as above, but you might want to seek out some classes. Youtube has tons of tutorials on the subject as well but you may want to use some torrent sites to get tutorials as well. Graphic artist will often use a program called "Maya" for 3d modeling. the program is very expensive (there are other less legal ways to get it but I don't condone it) for 3d modeling you need massive amounts of memory for projects. A free alternative to "Maya" is a software called "Blender". It is a great alternative, it teaches you the basics of modeling with the downloadable tutorials on the website. The graphics on it are also not bad (I say they are at least up to the xbox-Xbox 360 good) There is a program called Unreal Engine that was used to make alot of xbox 360 games. These may take several months to years to completely master. My estimate is from 6 months to about 2 years to master Maya which is in the top 5 graphic programs.

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The following is written by and according to the U.S. Department of Labor and particular to the education and training required for Graphic Designers.

A bachelor's degree in graphic design is usually required. Creativity, communication, and problem-solving skills are important, as are a familiarity with computer graphics and design software.

Education and training. A bachelor's degree in graphic design is usually required for most entry-level and advanced graphic design positions. Bachelor's degree programs in fine arts or graphic design are offered at many colleges, universities, and private design schools. Most curriculums include studio art, principles of design, computerized design, commercial graphics production, printing techniques, and Web site design. In addition to design courses, a liberal arts education that includes courses in art history, writing, psychology, sociology, foreign languages and cultural studies, marketing, and business are useful in helping designers work effectively.

Associate degrees and certificates in graphic design also are available from 2-year and 3-year professional schools, and graduates of these programs normally qualify as assistants to graphic designers or for positions requiring technical skills only. Creative individuals who wish to pursue a career in graphic design-and who already possess a bachelor's degree in another field-can complete a 2-year or 3-year program in graphic design to learn the technical requirements.

For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section (U.S. Department of Labor) indicated directly below this answer section.

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4 year are maybe more

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