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Q: How is temperature measured by a physical oceanographer?
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How salinity temperature and density are measured by physical oceanographer?

they are measured with parometers

What type of oceanographer studies waves and ocean currents?

The category of oceanographer called a physical oceanographer

Why is a physical oceanographer's job important?

why is the oceanographer job so important

What is the temperature of 1.5 volts?

Temperature is measured in degrees, voltage is measured in volts. They are different physical concepts.

A scientist who studies waves and ocean currents?

Physical oceanography is the special area of oceanography that deals with currents and waves. It is the study of physical attributes of the ocean.

What is dependent upon the temperature at which it was measured?

Generally the physical properties of a material depends on temperature.

Which property of an objects particles is temperature?

Temperature is a physical property measured in Kelvin degrees or Celsius degrees.

What is the temperature of purple?

Purple itself does not have a temperature as it is a color. Temperature is a physical property associated with matter that can be measured in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit.

What is what a Physical Property of Matter?


Give example of physical proper ties that can be measured?

Some examples of physical properties that can be measured include mass, volume, density, temperature, and conductivity. These properties help to describe the characteristics of a material or substance based on its physical nature.

Is water at room temperature a physical property?

Yes, water at room temperature is a physical property because it describes a characteristic of water (its temperature) that can be observed and measured without changing its chemical composition.

Is solubility physical or chemical properties?

Physical Property are those that can be observed or measured without affecting the composition of the sample. Density, hardness, viscosity, malleability, solubility, melting temperature, and boiling temperature are some examples of physical property.