It depends what the requirements are for the place you want to lifeguard at. I am a lifeguard at the local YMCA during the summer. Im 5'8 and 200 pounds.
he was a fit lifeguard.
The possessive form for the noun lifeguard is lifeguard's.
To become a lifeguard you need at least a+ to become a lifeguard.
Wayne Lifeguard was created in 1973.
A lifeguard came to my rescue at the pool yesterday.
13 feet to be a lifeguard have to be able to swim down to 13 feet
To be a certified YMCA Lifeguard you must be 16, you also must be 16 to take the lifeguard certification course.
The minumum age to take the lifeguard class and become a lifeguard in general is 15 years old.
Yes, "lifeguard" should be capitalized when used as a title or job description, such as "The Lifeguard on duty saved a drowning swimmer."
Michael Newman - lifeguard - was born in 1957.
lifeguard in an automatic carwash!! lifeguard in an automatic carwash!!