Petaluma is approximately 30 miles from Oakland Airport.
412 Miles
The flight distance from San Mateo to Petaluma, California is 49 miles.And the driving distance from San Mateo to Petaluma is 66 miles.
The address of the Petaluma Regional Library is: 100 Fairgrounds Drive, Petaluma, 94952 3369
The address of the Petaluma Trolley is: 12 Napa Dr, Petaluma, CA 94953-0261
The address of the Heritage Homes Of Petaluma is: Po Box 2152, Petaluma, CA 94953-2152
Over the hills and far away
Just on the other side of that last brain cell.
The address of the Petaluma Historical Museum And Library is: 20 4Th St, Petaluma, CA 94952-3004
The phone number of the Petaluma Regional Library is: 707-763-9801.
The web address of the Petaluma Wildlife Museum is:
The phone number of the Petaluma Wildlife Museum is: 707-778-4787.