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NO, a lease is simply a contract like a loan. DEFAULT of either calls for repossession.

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Q: How does repo of a leased vehicle differ from repo of a financed vehicle?
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Does an auto dealer such as Nissan have the right to repo a leased vehicle if the vehicle is not insured?

YES. Read your contract. Does it call for you to maintain ins???

Can a Repo man take a car if you own it?

A repo worker does not normally pick up a vehicle unless he has an order from the lien holder (usually the creditor who financed the vehicle). If you own your vehicle outright with no liens against it, the repo person probably picked it up by mistake.

I have a friend whom has a Leased Vehicle they tried to repo her car because of ONE unpaid parking ticket?

The only way her vehicle can become repossesed is if she missed a payment.

In the state of Texas can the lender repo your vehicle if your auto insurance lasped for 4 months you was told you had to pay full insurance coverage or vehicle will be repoed can they?

Yes they can repo if they catch the insurance lapse. Most financed vehicles have a Full Coverage clause that you signed and agreed to when you contracted to finance the vehicle.

Is there any way to get a repossessed car back without paying the car insurance?

Not Unless you can prove that you already had the required insurance.AnswerNo. as soon as you have no insurance on a leased vehicle, the lein holder has the legal right to repo it.

If your stepdaughter has defaulted on her car loan which is in your name solely and she is in TX and you are in NC and the car is financed in MS how can you easily repo her car from so far away?

You buck up and make the payments to aviod a repo on your credit. You can probably look into a repo company where she is living, and hire them to get your car back. Another is take matters into your own hand and just go and get the vehicle yourself.

How long after you voluntarily repo a vehicle must you wait before you can be financed to buy another one with a co-signer if your credit is good?

Until you apply for a loan and the lender gives you money. In other words, one day.

Is it legal for a law firm to renew a civil suit on a leased vehicle repo ten years later and demand money?

Likely it is, but without knowing what state you are in, who can tell?? Simply tell them you want verification of the debt. IF they provide it, you will have to pay. IF NOT, forget it.

Can they repo a vehicle after dark?


Can they repo a vehicle if it is in your driveway?


Can a car dealer repo your car if 720 towards the down payment is owed yet chase auto finance has financed it?

A dealership can never repo a car, the bank is the party which would because you owe the BANK (aka chase auto finance) because u financed through them.

Can a repo company take your car from behind a locked gate in California?

No one has the right to enter your property to repo a vehicle. I your vehicle is out in the street, then its fair game. If you see the repo man coming but has not hooked up to your vehicle, you legally still have possession of the vehicle. Once the vehicle has made contact with the truck the vehicle belongs to him.