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Just tell a joke to lighten the mood or say something random!

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Q: How do you think humor can be used in difficult situation?
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How do you think humor can be used in a difficult situation?

what do you mean by difficult situation.i consider here it as heated argument.

What is the sentence for shrewdly?

She handled the difficult situation shrewdly. It is the sentence where shrewdly is used.

What is clash of context?

Clash of context is a technique used in humor to create an absurd situation. It involves the interaction of characters, locations, and situations that seem inappropriate.

Types of humor used in advertising?

funny humor.

What is an abacaxi?

An abacaxi is a Brazilian pineapple. It can also be used in Brazilian Portuguese as slang for a difficult situation.

Why do you used idioms in sentences?

The idioms of languages give a double meaning at times. It also may add some humor to a situation. "I had a dog once that was dumb as a brick."

What is the definition of the word droll?

The definition of the word droll is an interesting way that provokes a bland sense of entertainment. It generally means that dry humor is being used in the situation.

The most humor types Bob Hope used?

Observational humor.

Who started laughter therapy?

Laughter Therapy or Humor Therapy has been used for many centuries. There is evidence of doctors using laughter or humor during surgeries as early as the 13th century. So it's a difficult question to decide who actually started Laughter Therapy.

What does the phrase who shot john mean?

The phrase "who shot John" is often used as slang to refer to a situation where there is confusion, chaos, or disorder. It can also mean a situation that is unclear or difficult to understand.

What does shver mean in Yiddish?

"Shver" in Yiddish means "difficult" or "hard". It is commonly used to describe a challenging situation or task.

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a sample .... i think