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Q: How do you show referential integrity constraints for Employee Employee ID Employee Name Payroll Address Date Employed Skill Years Employed?
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How do you draw ERD and DFD for employee attendance system?

It is not possible to draw ERD for attandence because employee attandence is basically a primary key and drawing ERD would violate its referential integrity

What is the differences between moral integrity and ennate integrity?

Moral integrity refers to adherence to ethical principles and values in one's actions and decisions. Ennate integrity, on the other hand, refers to an inherent or essential quality that is natural and unchanging. While moral integrity involves conscious choices and behaviors, ennate integrity is more about an innate state or characteristic.

Who is employee?

An employee is someone employed by an employer to do a specific task or job.

Who is a employee?

An employee is someone employed by an employer to do a specific task or job.

What is the meaning of employee?

One employed by another.

What is the difference between independant contractor and employee?

An independent contractor is someone who works for themselves not a company. They can work for someone else but not be employed by them. An employee is employed by a company.

What is the antonym of 'employer'?

the answer is un employed or unemployment

Is it possible to be an employee an self employed simultaneously?

Yes, when you have a business (say consulting) as well as a job. Or you run your own anything, eBay reselling, and work as an employee for someone else. It is very difficult, if not impossible to be self employed and an employee (an employee and an Independent Contractor) for the same company.

What is the difference between regualar and contractual employee?

An employee who employed under the boundary of limitations with lack of future securities known contractual employee.

How do you spell emplyey?

There are two forms of the word : EMPLOYEE (noun) - one who is employed EMPLOY (verb) - to use, or to have employed workers

How do you spell imployee?

The correct spelling is employee, a person who is employed by an employer.

What benefits does a lawyer have?

If self-employed, then none. If an employee, then whatever she negotiates.