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Acceptable attendance means never calling in sick if you are not really sick, never calling in to take an emergency leave if its not really an emergency and staying late or coming in on your day off if the company needs you

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Q: How do you reply to 'What is your opinion of acceptable attendance' in an interview?
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I don't understand the question.

How do reply to interview invitation email?

A letter accepting an interview does not have to be long. You just need to confirm that date, time, and location of the interview and thank the company for inviting you to interview with them.

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The best way to reply is by highlighting your best skills that match the job. Demonstrate the difference you will make at the agency if they hired you.

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You might learn how to use commas.

How do you reply to What is your definition of diversity in an interview?

Individuals who bring  unique perspectives or outlooks to the organization.

What is a good way to reply when the hiring manager said your cover letter is very good during a phone interview?

You can always reply to a compliment by saying thank you.

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Some interviewers will ask you to state how your evaluation will read next year. Reply that your evaluation will reflect your dedication and hard work.