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As per the instructions of the nail guns that I own, after every use it is a good idea to place to place a few drops of lubrication oil into the stem of the compressed air connection. This way the oil, with the help of compressed air, will travel through the remainder of the nail gun.

Usually a SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) 20 oil is recommended. Your local hardware store will usually carry a generic air tool lubricant which should be just fine.

Here is one example:

ANS 2 -I use Air Tool Oil and insert 2-3 drops into the air hose receptacle each time I use mine. -Still using a 1972 Senco almost every week.

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Q: How do you oil a nail gun?
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Can you use an oil free nail gun with a oil lubricated compressor?

There is no such thing as an oil free pneumatic nail gun. Every nail gun requires oil every day you use it. In answer to your question, yes, you can use any nail gun with an oil lubricated compressor. The way the compressor gets it lubrication has nothing whatsoever to do with the tool you are using. The compressor is just supplying air to the tool.

Do you oil a square head framing nail gun?

You will need to check the instructions on YOUR nail gun (get the brand name, go to the maker's web site) Most will require a drop of oil or two, but in the right place.

How do you oil and electric nail gun?

I spray the working parts with Lithium grease once in awhile .

When was the nail gun invented?

The nail gun was invented in the 1950's

What if you don't oil your nail gun?

Ultimately the piston and internal rings will stick and not move, or worse will break.

When was nail gun invented?

The nail gun was invented in the early 1950's

Where can I buy a quality nail gun?

You can buy a quality nail gun online at this site ( For $31.01 you can purchase a fantastic Stanley nail gun from them.

How can you hit a nail at a regulated pressure?

Nail gun.

Does the trigger of a pneumatic nail gun is responsible with its pressure?

The trigger of a pneumatic nail gun has nothing to do with the pressure. The pressure exerted is generated by the compressor and then the impact hammer inside the cylinder of the nail gun. If you are having a no firing or misfiring problem the 'o' ring around the piston is possibly broken or dry . -Have you been regularly using air tool oil, - NOT oiling is the commonest reason for this failure.

What are the appropriate uses of a nail gun?

The appropriate use of a nail gun is to use it for nailing nails to a board or other material. There is no other legitimate use of a nail gun other than to use it for nailing.

Can you use framing nails in a finish nail gun?

No you cannot.ANS 2 -You CAN use them in a finishing nail gun. A framing gun is just a lot bigger.

How does the pneumatic nail gun work?

The gun is permanently charged with air, when you push the foot in and pull the trigger air is released to the piston which strikes down to eject the nail and then returns to 'load 'position. If the gun is operating properly, the foot (where the nail comes out) MUST be depressed against a solid object to release the trigger. -Always remember to put a drop or two of air tool oil in the air entry every hundred shots or so.-BE SAFE Never point an air nail gun at anyone !