intercondylar distance-10 to 11cm condylar guidance-33degrees incisal guidance-9-12degrees
intercondylar distance-10 to 11cm condylar guidance-33degrees incisal guidance-9-12degrees
an overbite is when the gumes go to far out or in. But a overjet is when your jaw goes to far in or out.
it might be good at this point to differentiate between the two term incisal ridge and incisal edge the incisal ridge is that portion of the crown which makes up the complete incisal portion. when and incisor is newly erupted , the incisal portion is rounded and merges with the mesioincisal and distoincisal angles and the labial and lingual surfaces. this ridge portion of the crown is called the incisal ridge. the term edge implies an angle formed bye the margin of two flat surfaces. therefore an incisal edge does not exist on an incisal until occlusal wear has created a flatten surface linguincisally, which surface forms an angle with a labial surface. the incisal edge is formed by the junction of the linguincisal surface, sometimes called the incisal surface, and the labial surface. Wheeler's Dental Anatomy Physiology and occlusion Ninth edition
Class IVFound on the proximal surfaces of incisors and canines, but also will involve the incisal edge.
Mesial, Distal, Lingual (or Palatal), Buccal (or Facial), and Occlusal (or Incisal)
The section of a tooth that extends from the incisal edge to the crest of the gingival is known as the clinical crown. It is the term loosely used to refer to the part of the tooth that is visible in the mouth.
um i think irt s bad health
1- tips of cusps 2- crests of marginal and crossing ridge 3- inclined plane of cusps and ridge 4- occlusal ,incisal,facial and lingual embrasures 5- facial or lingual surfaces (occlusal or incisal )to the height of contour except pits if present 6- axial angles of teeth