

How do you get hired with felonies?

Updated: 10/10/2023
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14y ago

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I don't have an answer. Can u tell me . The only way i see an ex felon becoming a true productive citizen, is to remember what it took for them to survive in prison. NETWORKING. Unfortunately gangs are prevalant in every prison in the world. they survive because of their ability to function as one, although the gang may have 100-200 members. they survive because they have a common goal, to be better or more comfortable than the other inmates. if these same individuals would take the same stance in society, speaking here ONLY of the UNITY these members share, maybe they could be the ones to HIRE ex felons.

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A misdemeanor conviction is not a bar to most jobs, although the type of misdemeanor is a factor. If the offense involves theft, the unlawful use of drugs, or sexual misconduct, it may be classified a crime of "moral turpitude" and make you ineligible for some occupations involving significant trust. A conviction for driving under the influence, reckless driving, or hit-and-run can disqualify you for some jobs where driving is part of your duties.

If you are asked on a job application or during an interview about a criminal record, respond honestly and completely. Most employers have more respect for someone who admits a mistake and takes responsibility for its consequences than for someone who tries to conceal their past and lies. If you were successful in concealing your misdemeanor conviction, you would spend the rest of your days looking ver your shoulder, hoping it won't be discovered. If it is, you can be terminated immediately for filing a false job application, no mater how long you may have worked there or how many promotions you earned.

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The plural for for the noun felony is felonies.

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Sec. 12.04. CLASSIFICATION OF FELONIES. (a) Felonies are classified according to the relative seriousness of the offense into five categories:(1) capital felonies;(2) felonies of the first degree;(3) felonies of the second degree;(4) felonies of the third degree; and(5) state jail felonies.(b) An offense designated a felony in this code without specification as to category is a state jail felony.So to answer your question. They are numbered instead of letters.

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Depends entirely on WHAT the 3 felonies are. If you have been charged with 3 felonies, you need a lawyer, NOT WikiAnswers.

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I assume you're referring to misdemeanor's and felonies. Felonies are the most serious offenses.

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As of right now, most if not all Felonies will prevent one from enlisting in to the Army, keep in mind most convicted felonies are not permitted by law to carry or own a firearm.

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Yikes! I'm much more curious about the felonies that AREacceptable in the nursing field!