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Q: How do you enhance our strong people first culture in order to achieve of employees?
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What is the expected contribution for recruitment and training process?

The contribution of training process for recruitment is that it will enhance the abilities and skills of the employees to be recruited. This will make it possible for the employers to exploit the abilities of the employees to achieve the recruitment goals. Training process also ensures that the people to recruited will have the necessary skills needed to get the job done.

How do computers affect your culture?

Computers affect culture because they replace humans in work situations, and enhance social interactions with other people.

How employee learn culture?

Employees learn company culture through orientation sessions, training programs, interactions with colleagues, observing organizational norms and behaviors, and experiencing the company's values in action. Engaging with company leaders, participating in team-building activities, and receiving feedback also help employees understand and embody the organization's culture.

What did Indians do to enhance the culture in Mexico?

The Indians or aboriginal people of Mexico (such as the Aztecs Mayans, and Chichimecas) were there long before the country existed. Therefore Mexican culture has always included some of the Indian ways of life and in no moment were they introduced to it. So in simpler terms, they did not "enhance" anything as they have always existed within the culture.

What is the difference between culture and societies?

people living together is society. the culture helps us in maintain traditions and conventions to enhance social relations.

What are the assumptions of McGregor's Theory Y?

McGregor's Theory Y assumes that employees are intrinsically motivated, seek responsibility, and have a desire to achieve their full potential. It also assumes that employees can be creative and innovative if given the right conditions and opportunities for growth.

What does culture provide?

Not only will your own cultures history enhance your life but peeking into others culture will bring you even more joy. You get to see how other people live and how their lifestyles make them who they are, how they develop as a people together and how they sustain and maintain themselves. Cool Stuff.

The definition of Cross-Culture?

Cross culture is the interaction of people from different backgrounds in the business world. Cross culture is a vital issue in international business, as the success of international trade depends upon the smooth interaction of employees from different cultures and regions.

How modernization kill our culture?

Basically, Modernization kills culture such that it makes different and new ways to doing things undermining the traditional ways of doing things. This affects the usual culture of the people because they will opt for the modern and easier style than the out of date usual culture. However, it is not always happening. There are some modernization that seeks to preserve the culture if not to enhance it.

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The ultimate resource of a firm is its?

The ultimate resource of a firm is its people. Employees bring skills, expertise, creativity, and innovation to the organization, driving business success and growth. Without talented and motivated individuals, a firm would struggle to achieve its goals and compete effectively in the market.

Why is it so hard to change an organisations culture? and procedures......people....fear ....always done it this style......previous experience of change......people...... of commitment.....people.....Lack of vision.........mistrust......did I mention people?....