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Team work is simply a help of tam members in order to achieve certain goal or objective.

Understanding teamwork is essential in order to achieve the goals and successes that every business hopes to see.

Working together as a team means that several individual people have to come together and function as one solid unit. It involves taking the various talents and skills that each team member contributes and combining them into one successful effort.

It's like sport teams - each player must rely on the other players while also sharing the work load.

You can not allow personal issues to play a role in your team. If you do, it will quickly tear your team apart and you will find more failure than success.

Being a team means sharing the responsibility. This can be incredibly tough, because the team will have to share both losses and victories. A team has to remain a team whether they are winning or losing.

It's about supporting of one another that you can all learn by experience and grow together as a team.

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10y ago

friendly behaviour between team members and sharing & respect their ideas

In addition to the above, the "team" can be considered a three part team. The prospective employer, the applicant and the search firm that has found a number of applicants, usually 4, that meets the prospective employers criteria. This team must share a certain degree of common beliefs for the interview to be a success whether the applicant is hired or not.

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18y ago

A good team understands the group mission and each person's role in moving the group toward fulfillment of its mission. If the group has a finite mission, a particular goal to be reached at which time the group will be disbanded, communications can be simple and straightforward with each member having an area of responsibility that adds to a collaborative and clearly defined end. However, when the team's mission is ongoing, the team's mission and individual members' roles may be more fluid and communication more complex. Ideally, each person has autonomy, a sense of their individual contribution to the group's mission, commitment to excellence regarding their contribution, and recognition that part of their role is to communicate, assist and support team members so that each individual, and hence the group, may achieve excellence. In ongoing endeavors, change is necessary, so it is important that reflection, planning, and opportunities for growth are supported. The benefits of effective team work include a sense that the individual and the team have goals, that the goals are worthwhile, and that the members of the team appreciate and support each other's contributions in moving toward those goals.

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17y ago

The only time to answer no to that question would be if you're going to be working at a job that requires you to be a bad team member. So, Answer yes unless you really have trouble in teams.

The team they refer to is the work force that they already have or will have when they higher you, at work you always need to work well with others, and work as part of a team.
Yes, I become part of the team.

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15y ago

You would start off by saying: "cooperation to me means . . . " and would continue with something along the lines of: "doing things which make an interaction with others a constructive or rewarding experience" and you might finish with: "I believe cooperation is the most important quality to have when working with other people" . . . . . . . and then smile :D

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12y ago

i work hard to build up good relationships with colleagues. If there is any disagreement i try to find the middle ground. to make informed decisions which are not judgemental

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13y ago

If trust is present, teamwork is established and if teamwork is established, victory is inevitable. -Kaya Razzaq

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Q: How do you answer 'do you work well with teams' in a job interview?
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