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Under the spoil system government jobs were filled by patronage, regardless of the skills or qualifications.

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The spoil system made for an often untrained and non-professional workforce.

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Q: How did the spoils system lead to the perception that some public servants and officials were unqualified for their jobs?
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A public official is anyone who has public functions entrusted to them. This may include a governor, senator, civil servants and so on.

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Politicians which hold public office are also officials. As are unelected public servants. A politician who does not hold public is not an official. Just a politician.

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Officials are voted on by the public or appointed by other officials who are themselves appointed by the public.

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Pancyprian Public Servants' Trade Union was created in 1927.

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Like any other job this varies from place to place. The President is a public servant and makes a lot more than the city dog catcher. Small towns pay less than large cities. Federal officials usually make more than state officials, but again, that varies with the position and the state.

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It Is becausethe........................_

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Who are eligible to use the emblem of Andra Pradesh state in letter heads?

All public servants defined as public servant under the prevention of corruption act can use the state emblem on letter head. All government officials ministers and elected representatives can use the emblem