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For many Americans, the bold fashions pioneered by the flappers symbolized new sense of freedom.

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Q: How did flappers reflect changes in American fashion?
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How did flappers reflect changes in American Culture?

Flappers was a trend that started in the roaring twenties. Girls started doing things that where considered radical at the time, like weiring knee length dresses, driving cars, bobbing their hair (cutting it short). they also would go dancing, drinking, partying, and smocking. The girls swimsuit had just come out and so I think they also did that for fun.

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What does fashion reflect?

Your personality. Fashion is a great way to express yourself, your feelings, your mood, and what you're doing. You can define yourself to others through what you wear. :)

What cultural influences came from the Black Power movement?

Changing names to reflect African heritageoran interest in the study of African historyorA change in fashion to reflect African heritagean interest in the study of African history.