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The inside of a freezer is very hard to calculate! Although, I have calculated that it is about 15 to 31 degrees Celsius.

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13y ago

Usually between 15 and 31 degrees Fahrenheit to keep things frozen but prevent freezer burn.

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Q: How cold is the inside of a freezer?
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How does a freezer make things cold?

A freezer uses a refrigerant, which absorbs heat from inside the freezer when it evaporates. This causes the temperature inside the freezer to drop, making the air and objects stored in the freezer colder. The refrigerant then releases the absorbed heat outside the freezer, maintaining a cold temperature inside.

Will a freezer last longer in the garage than inside?

The life of the freezer depends on the conditions in which it is housed. If the garage is humid, hot or conversely very cold, then your freezer is better off inside.

What is inside A freezer that keeps things cold?

something that is cold and solid like ice but that stuff does not melt

Why is the condenser on your freezer so hot?

The condenser on your freezer is hot because it is releasing the heat that has been transferred from inside the freezer to the surrounding air. This is a normal part of the refrigeration process and helps maintain the cold temperature inside the freezer.

Why is the air inside of freezer more dense than the air outside the freezwer?

The air inside a freezer is more dense than the air outside because cold air is more compact and has a higher density than warm air. When the air inside the freezer is cooled, it contracts and becomes more dense, leading to a difference in density compared to the warmer air outside the freezer.

Why does a balon deflate when you put it in a freezer?

The air particles inside are less active, and tend to clump together because of the cold

Where does the heat energy from a freezer go?

The heat energy from a freezer is removed by the refrigeration system, which transfers it outside the freezer. The compressor compresses the refrigerant gas, raising its temperature, and then releases it outside where it dissipates into the surrounding environment. This cycle allows the freezer to maintain its cold temperature inside.

What happens if you put a inflated balloon in the freezer?

The cold temperature in the freezer will cause the air molecules inside the balloon to contract, making the balloon shrink in size. If the balloon gets cold enough, the rubber may become brittle and more prone to popping.

Why an inflated balloon is burst when kept in the freezer?

When a balloon is placed in the freezer, the air inside it contracts and decreases in volume due to the cold temperatures. The rubber of the balloon becomes less flexible in the cold, making it so the balloon can't stretch to accommodate the reduced air volume inside. This increase in pressure causes the balloon to burst.

Why does a fairly full freezer work best?

A full freezer retains cold temperatures more effectively because the frozen items help to maintain the low temperature. This reduces the amount of warm air that enters the freezer when the door is opened, helping to keep items inside properly frozen. It also increases the thermal mass, making the freezer more efficient at staying cold.

What temperature should a freezer be at?

cold, very cold.

Why is it not vital to keep the lid of a chest freezer closed?

Any freezer needs to be kept closed as much as possible if you wish for it to remain cold. However a chest freezer will not warm up as fast as an upright freezer. This is because the cold air in the freezer is heavier than the air outside of the freezer. When you open an upright freezer the cold air "falls" out, this can't happen with a chest freezer.