It is given on the Ministry of Interior, KSA site at the following address (it is a bit long but it works):!ut/p/c1/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3hT5wBnTwtfY0P3gFBzAyM3cxMvZzNvCwNvE_1wkA7cKkyMIfJ-_kahbiaehoYWZq6GBkZmHiZOPmGeBu4uUHkDHMDRQN_PIz83VT9SP8ocYYuBqZOzgVGYn7NpUEiAgb-RkX5kTmp6YnKlfkF2dpCFt6MiAPQqk2M!/dl2/d1/L0lDU0lKSWdra0EhIS9JTlJBQUlpQ2dBek15cUEhL1lCSkoxTkExTkk1MC13ISEvN181Q1BDSThNMzEwNUJDMDJWTkM1UlRQME8yNQ!!/?PC_7_5CPCI8M3105BC02VNC5RTP0O25_WCM_CONTEXT=/wps/wcm/connect/main/MOI+Home+Content/Home/Guidelines/Saudi+Citizenship+System/
It is not possible for Outsiders to get the Nationality of Saudi
A national of Saudi Arabia is a Saudi.
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabian
He is an Arabic Man and born in the currently called Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Nationality is provided to a very limited number. due to social structure it's not easy for non-Saudi to fit in. Many families as the Saudi Arabia was Created got the Saudi nationality due to the fact they were here in can notice that from Family names, some can give a hint of their origin.These days you can see some would get it but it's very very limited.
Osama bin Laden was born in Saudi Arabia.
Aladdin is Arabic, because his story takes place in Saudi Arabia.
Osama Bin Laden was born in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on March 10, 1957.
The majority nationality of Al-Qaeda is Saudi Arabian. However, many other nations are represented including Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Yemen, Chad, Somalia, and the Philippines.