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Most likely, yes. File a claim and have your doctor complete the Attending Physician's statement as well as your specific limitations and restrictions. Then have your employer provide you something in writing, stating that they cannot accommodate your limitations and restrictions. Provide this documentation to the insurance company along with whatever other paper work they require. Check your policy for key definitions: * Own occupation policies will pay a benefit if you are unable to perform the material and substantial duties of your job. * Any occupation will pay a benefit only if you cannot perform any work.

* Total disability * Partial disability

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== == It depends on the situation and I couldn't really tell you based on the limited information in your question. My guess is that you didn't meet the waiting period for your Long Term disability policy because usually they are 6 or more months. Did they send you a letter explaining why they denied you and if yes, what does it say?

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Q: How can they turn you down for long term disability if your doctor takes you out of work when you are pregnant?
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Does* You'll never be a doctor with that grammar charlie turners edit: and you will never have any friends putting people down like that. It takes a very long time to become a doctor. on of my friend became a doctor at the age of 26 but i have no idea if that is normal or not.

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