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On the job injury claims are time sensitive. The first step is to report the injury to supervisors or the human resources department. Next,visit a Doctor Who is approved by your company insurance provider. After your doctor's visit file a worker's compensation claim with your company.

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Q: How can one get money for an on the job injury?
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How much money should i get from a job related injury?

At least 5,000-10,000 at the minimum!

How serious does an injury have to be for an injury claim?

For an injury claim to be made, the injury has to be done on the job and be such that it makes the duties of your job unperformable for any length of time. A doctor is the one that needs to assess the injury and file the claim with the workers compensation company. The assessment will then be made for the injured.

What is the purpose of a injury lawyer?

Injury lawyers help you collect money from someone who has injured you. For example, if you are in a car accident, an injury lawyer will help you collect money from the person who was a fault for the accident.

What is a occupational injury?

Any injury that is considered unrelated to your job.

Does Workers Compensation apply if injury is away from work?

Not if the injury was not job related. An on the job injury would qualify you for the workers compensation insurance payments.

What is a non occupational injury?

Any injury that is considered unrelated to your job.

What is a non-occupational injury?

Any injury that is considered unrelated to your job.

I Was hurt on A Volenteer Job Can I Get legal help?

Most injury lawyers will work for a percentage of what they win you so you wont need money to sue.

How do I get the money to live if I am permanently disabled and permanently unable to work any job due to an a severe injury from a car crash in the USA?


Do you have to disclose a past workmans comp injury?

Although it is illegal to claim the injury in a job other than the one you were injured in, all you "have" to do is pay taxes and die.

Is injury compensation available if you dont have a job?

You can get compensated for an injury if it is at fault from someone else (such as an auto accident) through a civil lawsuit proceeding. You do not need to have a job to get compensated for your injury.

What job makes the most money in one single pay check?

The job that makes the most money is a computer technichian