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You can get a Private Investigator License in Tennessee by meeting the following requirements - at least 21 years of age, a US Citizen, not considered uncompetent by a court, have no dependence on alcohol or narcotics. Pass Private Investigator Exam and meet Continuing Education requirements.

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The day to day reality of being a private investigator is very different from what is portrayed on television. Most of the assignments are gathering evidence for legal cases. However, no formal licensing or degree is required if you want to pursue this line of work.

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Q: How can I get a private investigator license What school offers that course?
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Depending on where you live you may not need to take a course. More often then not a private investigator has some background in policing. There are a few online schools such as Kaplan that offers private investigators courses. The University of Phoenix offers one also.

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It depends on where you live. There is TRIos College, Sheridan college. You can also check campuses near your to see who offers it and if they don't maybe they can tell you who does.

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Many colleges, even online programs, offer crime scene investigator courses. Kaplan University online offers a short but satisfactory program.

What university offers a masters degree on a private investigator?

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Yes, there are several charter companies through which to rent a private jet. offers you this ability if you have your own license.

I need to do a refresher course for my RN license, where can I get information on this?

Hi! If you are looking for RN license course refreshers you may look at This website offers a wide variety of refresher courses. It also introduces new opportunities that you may be interested in!

Cheapest class for 215 License? offers the 215 License for $130 including a study package that others charge $80 more for. Nearest competitor is $185 Top Insurance School also offers the 220 License for $395 and their course is the only Florida approved online 220 class.

Is there an Online Insurance Pre-licensing course for a Florida license?

Yes, the University of Central Florida, in partnership with Florida Insurance University offers a program for the All Lines Adjuster license, and the 4-40 Customer Service Representative license.