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Depends upon the no. of backlogs you have and what sort of industry your question is for.

Most of the Public Sector Organizations demand no backlogs and the Private Sector ones too are nowadays following the same trend. Still, you won't find it that bothering because there are many industries that will select you if you've at most two backlogs.

My personal advice will be to focus upon your preparation for the recruitment drives regardless of what eligibility the company is demanding as in many cases they'll consider you besides your backlogs if you prove them to be an asset for the organization as an employee.

I wish you all the best for your future endeavours...

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Q: How Backlogs in engineering affect career?
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Will a student having backlogs get a job in campus recruitment?

its depends on u BUT most of the campus recruiter will pick up students with no backlogs and yes u can crack the campus placement if u got the talent n stuff in u So make yourself clear to have a good career path, don't compare with other students.