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He is working hard to achieve his goal so that he could get an award

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Q: He is working hard to achieve his goal change into complex sentence using 'so that'?
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How do you change This computer is working into imperative?

An imperative sentence is a sentence that gives a command or order. The sentence is a declarative statement, and that means it is giving information. It is possible to convert the sentence, though it won't have the exact same meaning. However, here are some possibilities:"Computer, you need to work!""I need you to work for me, computer.""Stop locking up on me and work for a change, computer!"

How did the social structure of village life change as the economy became more complex?

More people were working and the economy was thriving

What is an example sentence using the word unfasten?

Herman quickly worked to unfasten his apron from working in the smithy, so he could change for dinner.

How do you expand a simple sentence?

don't repeat words. use if/then statement. use figurative language, example: I was happy to and then i noticed a smile from side to side and you could tell I was delighted. change words.

Which relative pronoun will go in the sentence kyle is the student with Olivia is working?

Using relative pronouns to introduce relative clauses: 'Kyle, who is the student, with Olivia, who is working...' is an incomplete sentence.Both relative clauses are the compound subject but there is no verb for the sentence. For example:Kyle, who is the student, with Olivia, who is working, went on vacation.Kyle, who is the student, with Olivia, who is working, are having a party.Kyle, who is the student, with Olivia, who is working, ride the bus together.Even the original, 'Kyle is the student with Olivia is working.' is not a complete thought or a complete sentence, unless you change the preposition 'with' (Olivia is the object of the preposition) to the conjunction 'while':'Kyle is the student while Olivia is working.' This is a compound sentence with two subjects (Kyle and Olivia) each with its own verb (is and is working), two complete thoughts.

How do you handle your husband who has started to have an inferiority complex eversince you started working?

try to remove that feeling by behaving normally to him.Show him that you are still the same person for him and working has not made you proud.Do that patiently for some time and if he is wise enough he should change his attitude.

How to change a interrogative sentence into a declarative sentence?

To change an interrogative sentence into a declarative sentence, you can simply remove the question word (who, what, where, when, why, how) and rephrase the sentence as a statement. For example, change "Are you going to the store?" to "You are going to the store."

What is A change in velocity divided by the time required to achieve change?

Acceleration is the change in velocity divided by the time required to achieve that change. It measures how quickly velocity is changing over time.

Why you work in UNDP?

I work in UNDP because I am passionate about sustainable development and helping countries achieve their development goals. UNDP's focus on poverty reduction, empowerment of women, environmental sustainability, and good governance aligns with my values and expertise. I believe that by working in UNDP, I can make a meaningful contribution to positive change in the world.

What is the process of change that produces a more complex organism?

The process of change that produces a more complex organism is called evolution. Evolution occurs through the accumulation of genetic variations over generations, driven by natural selection and other mechanisms like genetic drift and gene flow. This process leads to the development of new traits and structures that enhance the organism's survival and reproduction in its environment.

What is a turbine working principles?

turbine is working on priciple of change of momentum. change of moentum result in to work.