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More and more companies will begin using social media to vet potential employees. Many companies appreciate the ability to use these channels because they are inexpensive and they can gather a lot of information about whether a person would be a good fit for the organization.

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Major Recruitment Industry Trends for 2015 in Australia

2014 Predictions:

As predicted by Launch Recruitment MD, Rebecca Wallace at the start of 2014, the major trends for last year centred around mobility, technology investment, increased importance of social media and in particular, LinkedIn. These trends are set to continue into 2015 with hiring intentions at a 5 year high in Australia.

Shortage of "Super Skills"

The current shortage of so called "super skills" will continue to drive employment growth in Australia. Particular shortages are in ICT, Digital Marketing and Mobile optimisation. Mobile's increasing importance means that it will move beyond companies simply needing a mobile or responsive website or app and will involve full mobile optimisation and social media marketing strategies as well.

It is expected that both construction and engineering positions will be in high demand as more building approvals have gone through for 2015.

Recruitment will focus increasingly on passive candidates to fill these highly skilled roles due to a shortage of active candidates with appropriate experience and skills.

Mobile Recruitment in 2015

A recent statistics infographic by Maria Ignatova (using results from a recent survey of over 800 professionals and 13,000 talent acquisition leaders on LinkedIn about the importance of mobile recruiting) showed that 72% of active and 62% of passive candidates viewed a company career's site on a mobile device. At the same time, 64% of active and 58% of passive candidates said they browse career opportunities on both social and professional networks via mobile and 45% of active and 21% of passive candidates apply for a job using mobile.

A recent CareerOne article predicts the growth of mobile employee value proposition (EVP) in 2015. Both candidates and employers are expected to increase their use of mobile recruiting in 2015 with a recent CareerOne poll showing that about 25% of respondents do their job searching "mainly by mobile and sometimes by desktop". Employers will need to continue to invest in optimising their careers site for mobile and develop a mobile plan for recruitment.

Social Media and Online Job Boards

Social professional networks are the fastest source of quality hires globally and this has increased 73% over the past 4 years. LinkedIn continues to be popular for recruiters, candidates and employers and is an important place to network, present information and profiles as well as maintain a personal or business brand. Social professional networks now account for around 59% of hires.

There is also a move towards niche related social networks such as Procurious (procurement professionals), OilPro (Oil and Gas) and ResearchGate (scientists) to fill the growing need for specialist industry connections.

internet job boards produce the highest quantity of hires (74%) with the company career website accounting for about 64% and internal hiring at 62%. This is likely to be due to the ease of applying for jobs online.

Global Recruitment Expectations:

Globally, recruitment leaders expect social and professional networks, employer brand and passive recruiting to be some of the most essential and long lasting trends in for 2015 ( The same LinkedIn study found that improved candidate and job matching will continue to be the most important trends for Australia.

The same report showed a 90% rise in the number of candidates who learn about employment opportunities on the internet between 2013 - 2014 and 2015 is expected to continue this trend. The survey saw a 75% rise in 2013 - 2014, in candidates applying for jobs on mobile.

Gender Diversity Targets:

Many gender diversity targets were not met in 2014 and it is expected that some employers will look at what steps they could take to address these differences in 2015. While many may not make immediate changes there is expected to be a move towards understanding what is needed to drive gender equity changes.

Talent Brand:

Globally, companies are investing more heavily in their talent and employment brand. According toEda Gultekin investing in your employment brand will save you money.

In a recent survey conducted in the US with 2250 corporate recruiters, they found that cost per hire is double that for companies with a strong employer brand. Additionally, companies with a stronger employer brand have 28% lower turnover rates.

With hard to fill roles, recruiting passive candidates is an important source and these candidates (up to 80% of the workforce) often place a higher value on company culture and are attracted by opportunities that offer challenges, growth prospects and an opportunity to develop their skills.

75% of global talent acquisition leaders say that talent brand has a significant impact on their ability to hire quality talent.

Find out how to improve your own employer brand with these tips.

Big Data in Recruitment

A recent article by Emma Byrne in Forbes shows that using Big Data analytics is becoming a key source of information to inform companies when hiring and retaining top talent. Big Data can also help you increase diversity and pay real market salaries. It can help you to find talent your competitors may have missed, allows you to stop paying too much for quality talent and shows you how to keep that talent engaged.


2015 hiring intentions are high for "super skilled" candidates in industries such as IT, Digital Marketing, Construction and Engineering. The Australian job market is expected to be buoyed by these niche specific positions, often newly created.

The increasing importance of mobile in recruitment goes hand in hand with the importance of internet job boards and social media networking and this is expected to continue its upward trajectory in 2015.

Globally, recruitment is expected to be dominated by the rising skills shortage, mobile, social media and online job boards as well as sourcing passive candidates. Australian recruiters will continue their focus on improved candidate and job matching.

Big Data will allow companies to align their employee and business strategies and it is expected to be taken up by more companies throughout 2015.



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