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race, sex, color, religion, or nationality.

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Q: For what kind of discrimination does the EEOC handle complaints?
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What kind of discrimination did African Americans face?

Racial discrimination.

What kind of discrimination exists in African Society?

their customes .. .. ..

What kind of discrimination do the Jews experience as a result?


What kind of law firm has discrimination lawyers?

Many lawyers specialize in discrimination. Check with various firms for reffarls.

What kind of discrimination do french Canadians face today?

not a clue

What kind of discrimination did Mohandas Gandhi experience when he was in India?

of non voilence

What types of discrimination cases would a discrimination lawyer handle?

Discrimination lawyer can help their clients against unfair employment practices and stand along with them in court against their employer. They also help their clients to know their rights and how can they fight for them. There are many kinds of discrimination employee face in the workplace including age, sex, disability, race, & nationality, etc. In California, if you faced any kind of discrimination you can read about your rights on Civil Rights Department website or you can visit cummingsandfranck, an experienced discrimination lawyer in California to get all kinds of legal advice.

What are some typical consumer complaints?

There are many, depending on what kind of company it is. Often, consumer complaints are about price or customer service (representatives being mean etc), but other complaints are about quality, content ("this place sucks for information"), or speed of service.

When did Great Britain eliminate legal discrimination against Jews?

the UK never really had a government which instituted, apparent or descretely, and kind of discrimination laws or tactics.

If a valve did not seal properly in the combustion chamber What kind of complaints would the costumer tell you?

yoloPoG - Restless

What kind of discrimination does Paul face?

Paul faces age discrimination in the workplace, where he is passed over for promotions and opportunities because of his age. He also experiences subtle forms of discrimination in social settings, where he feels excluded or overlooked due to his age.

What kind of service does the financial ombudsman have to offer?

A financial ombudsman aids in the settlement of complaints between consumers and businesses that provide finance related services. An example of this would be the settling of complaints between banks and their investors.