Examples of Philippine epics include Biag ni Lam-ang and The Hudhud by the Ifugaos. Other examples are the Hinilawod from the Hiligaynons and the Darangan of the Maranaos.
There are many examples of online survey tools. Examples of online survey tools include Survey Monkey, Zoomerang, Question Pro, Social Brite, SoGo Survey, and Key Survey.
I believe the question was not answered because it was vague. What do you really mean by examples of Philippine culture?
Philippine society was predominantly feudalistic.
examples of the community members
"The Legend of the Rainbow" (Ang Alamat ng Bahaghari) and "Legend of the Onion" (Alamat ng Sibuyas) are two examples of Philippine legends.
The Pinoy Ako community is an online community for Filipinos. The purpose is to allow those of Philippine descent to have a social community in which they can connect.
An island is not an example of a community.
An island is not an example of a community.