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One of the first things you do is remove any contaminated gear.

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Q: During the decontamination process in a cca you will do what to your contaminated equipment?
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During the decontamination process in CCA you will do what with your contaminated equipment?

Remove your contaminated equipment during the decontamination process in a Contamination Control Area CCA. Then, follow through with the decontamination process.

During the decontamination process in a CCA you will?

remove your contaminated equipment

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Improved chemical agent monitor (ICAM) (correct)

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milk becomes contaminated when the people doing the process get sick of waiting for the toilet and decide to take a crap in the milk.

What is the best decontamination method to use when decontaminating tritium?

The best decontamination method for tritium is to use a combination of water and detergent to wash and scrub surfaces. Another effective method is to use a wet wipe or cloth soaked in a solution of water and detergent to wipe down contaminated areas. It is important to ensure proper ventilation and use appropriate personal protective equipment during the decontamination process.

How do milk be contaminated during milking process?

The cow may have mastitis. Its teats may not have been sterilised first. The cups on the milking machine may be contaminated. If it is being hand-milked, the person's hands may be contaminated. The vessels the milk goes in to during milking may also be contaminated.

When using the chemical contaminated object rule to work with or near contaminated materials during the initial phase of the chemical contaminated object rule?

during the initial phase

How is glycerol contaminated with diethylene glycol?

Glycerol can be contaminated with diethylene glycol if proper quality control measures are not followed during the production process. Diethylene glycol may be added unintentionally or as a result of cross-contamination if equipment is not properly cleaned between manufacturing different products. Diligent quality assurance practices are necessary to prevent contamination of glycerol with diethylene glycol.

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The most appropriate course of action is to decontaminate the casualties in a designated area before providing medical treatment. This will help prevent further spread of radiation and minimize the risk to healthcare providers and others nearby. Protective equipment should be worn during decontamination to ensure safety.

What level of civilian chemical equipment would health care providers don when providing treatment after an incident not involved with decontamination?

During treatment after an incident that does not involve decontamination, health care providers typically wear basic personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, gowns, masks, and eye protection. This level of civilian chemical equipment is aimed at protecting health care providers from direct contact with bodily fluids and other potentially infectious materials, rather than specifically providing protection against chemical agents.