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in Kansas the independent store chooses... the one off 135 Antioch i believe you have to be 15. :)

This is a false accusation you have to be 14 in the united states to work according to the child labor laws its stupid but it makes sense

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13y ago
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15y ago

I don't think so i think they just hire at 14 and up.

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Q: Does hy-vee hire 12 year olds?
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Most places will not hire a 12 year old. You usually need to be at least 14. When you are 14, fast food restaurants, grocery stores and camps all hire 14 year olds.

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If the 12 year old is reliable, sure. Sometimes people hire 12 year olds for short amounts of time until they are sure that everything is working out alright.

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I know animal shelters are always looking for voluteers

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I seriously doubt it ! For legal and insurance purposes as 12-year-old is way too young to be employed.

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12 year olds

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Nope.They only have Newspaper Delivering Jobs and Red Cross Jobs hire 12 year olds but those jobs are only for boys. Not a girl like yourself.

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No, and not appropriate for 12 year olds.

What jobs are hiring 12 year olds?

None. It is illegal to hire a 12 year old . You can mow lawns, shovel snow , walk or feed dogs, earn an allowance doing chores for your parents. To get a real job you have to be 16.