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You would certainly be taken more seriously if you did.

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Q: Does a wedding planner have to go to college?
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How long do wedding planners go to college for?

how long dose a wedding planner go to college

Do wedding planners have to go to college?

If you want to become a professinal wedding planner than yes. but if not then no.

Where can one enroll for wedding planner courses?

One can enroll for wedding planner courses from these sources: Open Study College, THe Wedding Planner Book, Penn Foster, Ashworth College, Wedding Beautiful.

How do you start at becoming a weeding planner if you don't go to college?

Earn a certificate in wedding planning

What colleges are good for becoming a wedding planner?

there is no such thing as a wedding planner college or major for that matter. there are certifications for wedding planners but they have nothing to do with college. if you want to own your own wedding consulting business, then major in business or entreprenuership

What kind of college should you go to become a wedding planner?

The Wedding Planning Institute. (phone 1.888.221.9988) The Wedding Planning Institute. 1997 - 2012. A Division of Lovegevity, Inc.

Where should I go to become a wedding planner?

There are a list of available places to go to be a wedding planner. There are colleges, and even online programs to be a certified wedding planner. It is a dying profession, however, and this questioner should be warned it has become harder to become one

How long to wedding plasnners have to go to college?

Actually, a wedding planner is not required to go to college. It would look better to have some sort of experience in planning on your resume and many community colleges offer low cost classes to teach the basic skills required in wedding planning.

What job can you go for when you go to college?

u can get many good jobs like becoming a Doctor, professional wedding planner, or even by penning a business of your own

Who was Katie prices wedding planner?

She didn't have a Wedding Planner. Alex and Katie both decided that they didn't need a Wedding Planner to plan there Wedding.

How many meeting should you have with the wedding planner if the wedding is in six months?

The wedding planner is the one that should tell you how many times you need to see him or her. It generally takes three meetings. Going the first time to talk over prices and deciding what you want the wedding planner to do; another meeting to go over everything the wedding planner has been asked to do and then a third time to go over it just to be sure everything is done by the wedding planner that you want done and to pay the bill.

What is the duration of The Wedding Planner?

The duration of The Wedding Planner is 1.72 hours.