I attend the California Maritime Academy and WE pay around $24k per year in tuition.
The regular meetings are not paid; but some of the courses that cadets can take do have some monetary compensation.
During the summer, Canadian cadets can go to summer camp, they get paid $60 a week. When you are a senior cadet, you can also apply to become staff, and get paid even more.
They get paid 12,000 monthly
A salary tends to be paid monthly.
A property that is bought by means of monthly payments is said to be paid by installments.
If you get paid bi-monthly, you will receive 24 paychecks in a year.
No, hourly.
how much does a architect get paid a month?
Semi-monthly is a term that is usually used to describe half a month. For example, if a person were paid semi-monthly then they would be paid twice a month.
You are not going to get paid more money either way. If you get paid monthly, you are going to need to be good at budgeting your money.