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Q: Do airline pilots wear seat belts?
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Do air line pilots wear seatbelts?

Airline pilots wear two seat belts - one over their waist, and one over their outside shoulder (left for pilot, right for co pilot)

What is the best airline pilot shoes?

airline pilots should wear loafers

Do 1964 cars require seat belts?

Not if they did not come from the factory with seat belts. If they came form the factory with seat belts you are required to wear them.

Why can't children wear seat belts?

Children up to certain weights are required to be in car seats that are held in place with the seat belts in most states. After they reach a certain weight, they are required to wear seat belts, so not only can children wear seat belts, after they no longer are required to be in car seats, they are required to wear a seat belt.

Do astronauts need to wear a seat belt?

Yes, astronauts wear seat belts.

Do children have to wear seat belts in classic car that did not have factory seat belts?

not if the car was not originally equipped with them.

Why do you wear seat belts?

We wear seat belts for saftey.For example when you get in a car wreck you need to be safe.Also so the police can not stop your mom or dad

Do pregnant women wear seat belts?

Yes they do.

How many people don't wear seat belts in us?

Too many! Half the deaths in the United States are caused because people do not wear seat belts.

Do pilots wear seat belts?

Flight regulations vary, but on most airliners, at least one pilot must be strapped in, with immediate access to emergency oxygen, at all times during a flight.

Are airline pilots required to wear their jackets?

yes they are required to wear their jacket how I know I use to be a pilot dick head

Who is required to wear seat belts when riding in the front seat of a car or pickup truck?
