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Basically, a manager is a traffic cop. She accepts tasks from superiors and delegates them to her staff. A manager reviews the staff's progress and presents the finished work to the supervisor. He balances the workload among staff members, allocates resources, and estimates the amount of time, money, etc. that will be required to complete tasks. Managers may be asked to project the annual costs for the area they manage and "sign off" on expenditures. Alternatively, this may be handled by an accounting office.

The manager is a "middle man (or woman)" who represents the employees' interests to management and management's interests to employees. In a well-run company, everyone the manager works with feels they're being dealt with fairly most of the time. In a poorly-run company, the manager may be expected to be the "hatchet woman (or man)" who has to "get rid of" undesirable employees. I have read that a manager shouldn't be expected to manage more than 6 full-time employees.

Additionally, the above is well-stated. In summary, a manager's responsibility is to hold up the wall, the employees responsibility is to build the wall, and to come 360, the manager's responsibility is to ensure the employees are building the wall correctly, using the proper tools, and ensure they have the right wall-builders in place.

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Discuss the functions of HR in your organization or any organization you are familiar with discuss the role of managers in the current scenario?

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The responsibilities of a manager are to plan, organize, lead and control the work of the members of the organization.

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