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This is an interview question where you should share if you have any experience coaching a team or leading a sales force. Almost everyone has lead a team at some point in their life, this is your chance to shine.

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9y ago
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14y ago

During a college event, where in we were asked to work in teams,one of our team leader had fallen sick & couldn't reach the occasions & when we got the news that she cannot make it up I had to spontaneously take an initiative and lead the team in the right direction.I was tensed in the beginning but by self mastering I built self confidence & made the best out of worst.I really never knew that i Am such a good & effective leader!!!

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10y ago

what supervisory or leadership have you had

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9y ago

Many different people have different experiences in leadership at work or in other activities. Some people have had to lead massive projects in the absence of their boss for example.

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Q: Describe what leadership roles you have held.?
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funk you\\\!

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