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The amount of sugar will depend on the size of the soda. In a 12oz can there is 39g of sugar and 140 calories.

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Q: Data chart of suar on one can of soda?
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Which chart is used to show the proportions of how one or more data elements relate to one other?

The right answer is "XY CHART", not Pie Chart, because when it comes to the fact, "one or more data elements are relate to another data element" can only be seen & proven in XY CHART ONLY.

What do you call the chart that show the proportions of how one or more data elements relate to another data element?

XY Chart

What do you call the chart that shows the proportions of how one or more data elements relate to another data element?

XY Chart

How do you combine three independent graph into one in Excel?

You cannot combine them as such. You need to set up a separate chart and select your 3 sets of data for the one chart.You cannot combine them as such. You need to set up a separate chart and select your 3 sets of data for the one chart.You cannot combine them as such. You need to set up a separate chart and select your 3 sets of data for the one chart.You cannot combine them as such. You need to set up a separate chart and select your 3 sets of data for the one chart.You cannot combine them as such. You need to set up a separate chart and select your 3 sets of data for the one chart.You cannot combine them as such. You need to set up a separate chart and select your 3 sets of data for the one chart.You cannot combine them as such. You need to set up a separate chart and select your 3 sets of data for the one chart.You cannot combine them as such. You need to set up a separate chart and select your 3 sets of data for the one chart.You cannot combine them as such. You need to set up a separate chart and select your 3 sets of data for the one chart.You cannot combine them as such. You need to set up a separate chart and select your 3 sets of data for the one chart.You cannot combine them as such. You need to set up a separate chart and select your 3 sets of data for the one chart.

What is used to compare sets of data in one chart?

You can use a stacked bar chart.

Is it true that you can only display one set of data per chart in Excel?

No it is not true. Many charts can use more than one set of data although a pie chart is limited to one set of data.

How DFD difffer from flow chart?

Flow Chart is a generic term, and DFD is a specific one. Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a data flow chart to illustrate the data flow/store/change in a component/system/product from the input to the output.

A pie chart is limited to how many data series?

A pie chart can only have one data series in it. They show how the components make up one unit. The series can have many values in it, but it can only be one series.

What does a selection chart based on?

it based on the type of data one is charting from

How does a tally chart help you to display data?

Each one. On A tally chart represents 1 Each. Number Represents 5 make. A tally chart

What is the definition for a donut graph?

A doughnut graph/chart is similar to a pie chart in that it conveys how much each part contributes to a whole. When graphing one series of data, the only difference between a pie chart and a doughnut chart is that the doughnut chart has empty space in the middle. The primary advantage of a doughnut chart is that it can help visualize several series of data on one chart. When creating a doughtnut chart from multiple data series in Excel, each series has its own doughnut, and the doughnuts are nested inside one another to form one chart. When working with multiple data series you can make several pie charts (one for each series) and place them next to eachother, or a single doughnut chart. Which of these is options better conveys the information depends on the data (how many series you have, etc), and ultimately is up to personal interpretation/preference. Example: If you wanted to compare the percentage of each population group in a city, you could use a pie chart (or a doughnut chart if you would like empty space in the middle). To compare this to the same data from 10 years prior, you could use two pie charts (one for now, one for 10 years prior), or one doughnut chart.

What makes a good chart in Excel?

A good chart is one that displays the information to present a picture that accurately reflects the relationship of each data item relative to the whole data set.