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b. False

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Q: Damage to the EOC in a catastrophic disaster absolves the jurisdiction of its coordination responsibilities?
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Which term refers to pardon that releases a sinner from a penalty for committing a sin?

well, the priest absolves you of your sins, but you have to do a penance to make up for your sin.

What is an absolvent?

An absorber is a person who absolves - sets free, releases, or discharges from obligations, responsibility or sin.

Can a seller cancel a real estate contract?

It's going to be up to the listing agent and his/her company. If they agree, you'll be asked to sign a Mutual Release that absolves them of any future/further liability.

Can an adult child take steps to render himself legally unrelated to an actual parent?

Genetically, a child will ALWAYS be related to their parents. It is, however, possible for a mature child to 'divorce' their parents - which absolves the parents of all responsibility.

How are chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcy similar?

Both are for consumers, as opposed to businesses, but Chapter 7 absolves all debts, whereas debtors in Chapter 13 restructure their debts on 3-5 year plans.

If you are in a car accident in Pennsylvania and your insurance company pays the claim can the person driving the other car still sue you?

When an insurance company settles with the other party, they ask for a signed release that absolves them or you of any further liability in connection with that incident.

What prayer do you say during reconsiliation?

During reconciliation, you say 'An Act Of Contrition'. After this is said, the priest absolves you from your sins, gives you a penance, and may close by saying "Give thanks to the Lord for He is good" to which you would respond with "For His mercy endures forever".

Can a business provide OTC drugs to employees via First aid kits?

They can, but in doing so they open themselves to some liability. The exact extent varies based on your jurisdiction and you should consult your attorney for details. The basic guidelines in the US are:If the medications are in a first-aid kit in a general workspace that people can access on their own, the employer can post a sign about how taking the medications is at employees own risk. As long as the employer ensures that the medications are not expired/damaged, this absolves them of most liabilityIf OTC meds are distributed to an employee from another employee/owner directly, liability exists.

Is reconcilliation important?

yes reconciliation is very important. It absolves you of your sins and helps you get closer to God. Answer The first answer is correct to a point. It does mean that you are reconciled to God. I do however have to stress that this reconciliation comes about only when you realize that Christs death was so that we would be resurrected, not to wipe out our sins that we have not repented of.

What does the priest give after confession?

After you confession your sins, the priest asks you to make a good act of contrition. This is extremely important as without real contrition AND a firm purpose of amendment your sins are NOT forgiven even when he gives you absolution. He then gives you a penance to perform and then he absolves your sins and dismisses you.

Can writing on your skin with a permanent marker cause ink poisoning?

Yes! It is generally unsafe for ANYONE to put permanant marker on their skin! Especially permanant, because it can not be washed off, your skin (like a sponge) absolves the ink and it goes into your bloodstream causing potential ink poisoning.

Why do Catholics have to go and pray to that Catholic priest for forgiveness?

Roman Catholic AnswerFirst of all, Catholics do not "go and pray to that Catholic priest" for forgiveness. They do go to confession to a priest and, if they are sincere, the priest absolves them from their sins, and gives them a penance. It is Our Blessed Lord who actually absolves the sin, through His priests. The reason that Catholics have to do this is because this is the way that God set it up for us. The protestant notion of asking God for forgiveness is okay as far as it goes, all Catholics do that everyday when they make their examen of conscience at the end of the day. But God further specified that to be forgiven, particularly from serious sin (mortal sin) one must go the priest. He mediated His forgiveness through His priests in the Old Testament and continues that in the New Testament.