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what are major impact on human resource management within educational institutions

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Basiroh Kz

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Q: Changes in Malaysian Society in the last 20 years which have had a major impact on human resource management within organization?
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What kind of changes does change management software help you manage?

Scheduling change and human resource changes can be managed by management software. You can read more at

Is it true Supervisors are responsible for recording and reporting changes in resource status?

Possibly-their duties are not the same in every organization.

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How is human resources different from other resources in an organization?

Because it is human from whose skill and knowledge that changes something into a resource.

What is the difference public sector and private sector human resource management?

the public sector human resource management is too constrained by the bureaucratic and hierarchical structures of government whereas the private sector human resource management is accorded a lot of flexibility in bringing new innovations . as a result public sector human resource management is always backward and deeply ingrained in the old systems and styles of management unlike the private sector which is up to date and easily adapts to global changes.

Resource loading vs resource leveling?

Resource Loading: It is just assigning resources to activities. Resource Leveling: Any form of network analysis in which scheduling decisions (start and finish dates) are driven by resource management concerns (e.g., limited resource availability or difficult-to-manage changes in resource levels).

What kind of innovations would you propose to sustain the organization's uniqueness?

It all depends on the sort of organization being sustained. Generally such innovative changes in technology, product, and human resource contributions are ideal.

Organizational change management is the framework for managing the effect of new what?

Organizational change management is the framework for managing the effect of new initiatives, processes, or technologies within an organization. It helps employees transition smoothly, adapt to changes, and achieve desired outcomes.

What is the key to effective Resource Management System communication?

The key to effective communication in a Resource Management System is clear and consistent messaging. This includes providing detailed information about resource availability, allocation, and updates on any changes. It is important to use a structured communication channel, such as email or a dedicated platform, and ensure that all stakeholders are informed and have access to relevant information. Regular communication and feedback loops are crucial for successful resource management.

What is resources leveling in project management?

Resource leveling is a schedule network analysis that results in schedule changes, start and finish dates, based on resource constraints. That is, resource leveling might cause start and finish dates to change if multiple activities rely on over-committed resources.