array,linklist,queue,stack,tree,graph etc...
Thomas A. Standish has written: 'Data structures, algorithms, and software principles' -- subject(s): Computer algorithms, Data structures (Computer science), Software engineering 'Data structure techniques' -- subject(s): Data structures (Computer science)
A concurrent object is an abstract data type that permits concurrent operations that appear to be atomic. It can be implemented as a data structure in shared memory and a set of algorithms that manipulate the data structure using atomic synchronization primitives.
W. W. Read has written: 'On the storage complexity of B trees' -- subject(s): Algorithms, Data structures (Computer science), Database design
R. A. Hogendoorn has written: 'An evaluation of data compression algorithms' -- subject(s): Algorithms, Data compression
quantitative tool wherein data in cell locations are placed in rows and columns in matrix format. That makes data easy to structure. Rows and columns can be individually designed. Cell contents can be numeric data, alphanumeric data, or algorithms.
the main emphasis of procedure oriented programming is on algorithms rather than on data
By understanding the time and space complexities of sorting algorithms, you will better understand how a particular algorithm will scale with increased data to sort. * Bubble sort is O(N2). The number of Ops should come out <= 512 * 512 = 262144 * Quicksort is O(2N log N) on the average but can degenerate to (N2)/2 in the worst case (try the ordered data set on quicksort). Quicksort is recursive and needs a lot of stack space. * Shell sort (named for Mr. Shell) is less than O(N4/3) for this implementation. Shell sort is iterative and doesn't require much extra memory. * Merge sort is O( N log N) for all data sets, so while it is slower than the best case for quicksort, it doesn't have degenerate cases. It needs additional storage equal to the size of the input array and it is recursive so it needs stack space. * Heap sort is guaranteed to be O(N log N), doesn't degenerate like quicksort and doesn't use extra memory like mergesort, but its implementation has more operations so on average its not as good as quicksort.
In mathematics and computer science, an algorithm is an effective method expressed as a finite list of well-defined instructions for calculating a function Algorithms are used for calculation, data processing, and automated reasoning.By complexityAlgorithms can be classified by the amount of time they need to complete compared to their input size. There is a wide variety: some algorithms complete in linear time relative to input size, some do so in an exponential amount of time or even worse, and some never halt. Additionally, some problems may have multiple algorithms of differing complexity, while other problems might have no algorithms or no known efficient algorithms. There are also mappings from some problems to other problems. Owing to this, it was found to be more suitable to classify the problems themselves instead of the algorithms into equivalence classes based on the complexity of the best possible algorithms for them. Burgin (2005, p. 24) uses a generalized definition of algorithms that relaxes the common requirement that the output of the algorithm that computes a function must be determined after a finite number of steps. He defines a super-recursive class of algorithms as "a class of algorithms in which it is possible to compute functions not computable by any Turing machine" (Burgin 2005, p. 107). This is closely related to the study of methods of hypercomputation.veer thakurchandigarh
The worst case occurs when data is already sorted where the complexity is O(n^2) instead of the well known O(n log n)