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No. You have to have qualified earned income worked for. Self employment income that you worked for.

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Q: Can you receive child tax credit if you did not work?
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Related questions

How does child tax credit effect larger households?

Child tax credit effect larger households because the more children under a certain age a family has, the more tax credit breaks they receive. Families with many children receive tax breaks to help them.

How much do you have to earn in order to receive the child tax credit?

The credit reduces your taxable income by up to $1,000 per qualifying child, so your income must be at least as much as the amount of the credit you claim. Otherwise, there is no income for the credit to reduce. If you make less than the amount of the Child Tax Credit, you may still qualify for the Additional Child Tax Credit.

What is the income tax credit for a child?

a credit agency garnished my income tax,is the the child tax credit exempt from the garnishment?

When will taxpayers receive the making work pay tax credit in 2011?

there is none -- it ended in 2010

How much tax credit i can receive for three children refund?

In most states, the child tax credit is 1500 dollars. So for three kids you're looking at 4500.00 bucks! Sounds good....

Does Florida have a child care tax credit for single moms?

Florida does not have a a child car tax credit for single mothers. There is also not a tax credit at the federal level.

How do you cancel working tax credit but not your child tax credit?

You need to contact your tax office.

What tax credit will reduce the amount of taxes you owe?

Child tax credit

What is the allowed child tax credit on IRS 1040 FORM?

I think you mean the "additional" child tax credit (not "allowed"). Anyway, this page explains both the Child Tax Credit and the Additional Child Tax Credit:,,id=106182,00.html

How much money do you have to earn to be eligible for the c hild tax credit?

i work 16 hours a week doing a minimum wage job and qualify for child tax and working tax credit

What exactly is a child tax used for?

A child tax credit is used to reimburse a parent for the taxes they have to pay when purchasing goods for their child. You can get more information on the child tax credit from the CRA website.

Can you receive a tax credit for reefer fuel?
