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Some of the students at the school received advice from the guidance counselor.

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Q: Can you give me a sentence with counselor?
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Can you give me a sentence with the word counselee in?

The counselor's name was Bob, and the counselee to whom he was giving advice was Jackie.

How do you use the word counselor in a sentence?

A counselor is a person who works at a camp

What is a sentence that starts with the word counselor?

The singular "counselor" would require an adjective or article to start a sentence, but you can use it as a modifier or a title. Example : "Counselor behavior is carefully monitored in summer camps." Example : "Counselor Green received a commendation for his work."

Should licensed practical counselor be captalized in a sentence?

Yes, "Licensed Practical Counselor" should be capitalized in a sentence as it is a formal title. For example, "I spoke to a Licensed Practical Counselor about my mental health concerns."

What is a good sentence with prior?

The counselor had a prior engagement.

How do you use brief in a sentence as an adjective?

i had a brief talk with a counselor

Use counselor in a sentence?

When Jake's mother died, he was not sure how to handle it... for help in addressing his emotions, he made an appointment to see a counselor.

What is an example sentence for the word counselor?

When Jake's mother died, he was not sure how to handle it; for help in addressing his emotions, he made an appointment to see a counselor.

How do you spell guidance counselor?

No, except at the beginning of a sentence because it is n ot a proper n ou n.

Should there be a comma before as well in the following sentence-Because the option to work within many areas excites you you decided to speak with a pediatric counselor and cancer counselor as well?

No. But do note the comma that should separate the 2 occurences of 'you'. Because the option to work within many areas excites you, you decided to speak with a pediatric counselor and cancer counselor as well? The sentence would be more clear if written as follows: Because the option to work within many areas excites you, you decided to speak with both a pediatric counselor and a cancer counselor?"

How you use the word bishopric in a sentence?

Brother Allen was named first counselor in our ward bishopric.

What is the verb in this sentence the counselor advises sending applications for financial aid early?

The verb in that sentence is advises. Sending is also a verb but it functions in that sentence as a gerund. It is the object of advises.